In such a social media era like ours, it is still somewhat of a mystery how some websites manage to keep getting views on their sites while others literally struggle. It almost feels like there is this magic wand that the successful websites have that the struggling one don’t. Hopefully, what I’m about to share will help you gain the needed insight and command your own wand, driving more eyes to your website.

The Number 1 Rule of Owning a Website

Few business owners understand this, but the main purpose of a website is to get seen. When you get seen more than once and by multiple eyes, you are said to be generating leads. It is from these leads that clients come and business flows. However, like many have observed, the trend is to sell, sell, sell; after all we are in our online marketing filled world. This can tricky and sometimes hard to think beyond just creating an offer using a landing page and selling instantly. Who doesn’t want to make it Big? I’m talking about the long haul here.

Websites like Techpoint and BusinessInsider and many others like them have understood that the money is in the numbers. I by that I mean repeat numbers. How many stores do you know are still open for business without leads walking in frequently each day?

When businesses like Techpoint share their website content, chances are that people who like the content will share them on social media leading to much more reads and leads, which is their number 1 goal. That is what your aim should be- to get people excited by your content that they end up sharing instantly. Do you see the point?

  • What is your own business goal?
  • Have you determined the steps you must take to reach that goal?
  • Where does your website fit in in the series?
  • What can you share to get people to click the link that leads to your website content?

Have a click bait

A Click Bait is best described as content whose main purpose is to attract attention and encourage visitors to click on a link to a particular web page- google

Again going back to what Techpoint, BusinessInsider, TechCrunch and your favorite websites do, reflect on what they write that makes you unconsciously click to read more. That sentence or two is the click bait. And because their content is good, you always go back, thereby increasing their google rankings and open rates. What do they get in return? More leads, that’s right. You’re getting it!

In case you are wondering, Click baits can be text, video or both.

Before jumping into creating any content, first think about what you want to share; what you want your business to be known for- it could be ;

  • Your culture
  • Trends you are passionate about
  • Businesses you love
  • Causes you support

It could be anything really. The idea is that you write for those people who are as passionate about that topic/ cause/ idea as you are. Then think about the choice of words that will get them to click to read more. See some suggestions from contentrow. Notice how enticing the contents are.

There’s a caveat here though – you must have something relevant to share that’s rich and informative and resonates with a specific audience segment, not the whole internet. Otherwise, your rankings will reduce. Meaning you have to be in this for the long haul. You may want to hire a freelancer or a team of copywriters to help you out here.

Notify visitors of new content

Have an automation system in place that automatically notifies your readers/ leads that you have put up new content. I personally recommend Onesignal.

While it requires some setting up to have it active and in play, you will be very happy to have it on your side when you push out content. Onesignal sends out automatic notifications to subscribers the moment updates are shared. I personally love it for it’s simple setup process.

You might consider other tools however, but Onesignal is free. So what’s there to lose?


We all will be happy if our website got thousands of views each day.  I know I would. With a strategy in place and the appropriate tools as discussed above, it is possible. But it begins with you knowing why you are creating content and for who? I hope the tips above are helpful to you.

If so kindly share your thoughts in the comments below.

If you have other thoughts to add do share.

Thanks for reading.

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